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Our Mission

The Faith-Based Information Sharing & Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) provides members with informationanalysis, and capabilities to help reduce risk while enhancing preparedness, security, and resilience. We are an all-faiths and all-hazards information sharing organization.


Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based Organizations including Houses of Worship, Charities, Faith-Based Schools and their affiliated organizations.


FB-ISAO is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. We are member driven and member led. We depend on membership dues and donations to sustain operations.

2023 Threat Data and Review

Over 2023, FB-ISAO recorded a total of 1027 attacks on houses of worship. These
acts were unevenly and disproportionately distributed across the spectrum of religious affiliation.

Threat Level

FB-ISAO sets its own threat level based on potential and adverse threats and events that can affect the Faith-Based Community. Learn about the FB-ISAO Threat Levels.

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