FB-ISAO Newsletter, v2, Issue 4
TLP:White| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on April 10, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-April-2020Download
FB-ISAO’s Local Information Sharing Communities
Information Sharing Organizations are driven by the members – the organization itself simply provides the venue for members to collaborate in a way that works best for their respective communities. Since its inception, the Faith-Based Information Sharing & Analysis Organization…
A Message to the Community of Faith, from the DHS Assistant Director of Infrastructure Security
FB-ISAO Raises Physical Threat Level to “CRITICAL,” Maintains Cyber Threat Level at “ELEVATED”
Giving Thanks to Those Who Serve
FB-ISAO, please consider taking a moment to give thanks and to regularly include our first responders in your prayers. When a U.S. national emergency was declared on 13 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole of government was…
Covid-19 FAQ for Faith and Community Leaders
The Administration has compiled COVID-19 Recommended Preventive Practices and FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders, to ensure faith and community leaders have pertinent resources. Click on the link below to access the document. COVID-19-FAQ for Faith and Community LeadersDownload
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v2, Issue 3
TLP:White| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on March 16, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-March-2020Download
FB-ISAO Moves Threat Level to “SEVERE”
This post will be updated frequently based on new guidance. 16 March, 2020 The following items were added: Under Practice Good Disinfection Discipline (change 01, 16 March update) Use regular cleaning and disinfection products (see the EPA’s 15 Mar guidance)…
FB-ISAO Threat Levels Explainer
In 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) replaced the color-coded alerts of the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) with the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), designed to more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information…