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Resilience Exercises

Exercises are a key component of organizational preparedness. Exercises  provide an opportunity to shape planning, assess and validate capabilities, and address areas for improvement. The FB-ISAO assists organization with planning HSEEP consistent exercises that provide a common approach to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.

⭐️Your exercise program can be funded by the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. ⭐️

Our threat informed, risk based exercise programs include:

  • Hostile Event Preparedness which will cover the Hostile Event Attack Cycle and best practices.
  • Ransomware Preparedness which will cover U.S. Government and industry best practices.
  • Custom Exercises. Based on a consultation with your leadership, our team will develop and prepare an exercise to meet your unique needs.

Travel Threat Summaries

Our team can help your team get ready to travel. Whether your team is traveling on a mission or on a International youth trip or anything else, let our team help you understand

  • The Threat Environment
  • The Most Dangerous Threats
  • Threat Mitigation
  • Medical Information
  • Local Culture and Customs
  • And provide your team with resources
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