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FB-ISAO Adopts Traffic Light Protocol 2.0

The community of faith is becoming more integrated into security operations. As such, security practitioners are communicating and collaborating by sharing threat intelligence and threat information. This sharing includes things like analytical reports, incident reports, and suspicious activity reports (SARs).…

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Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist

Thank you to the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) team, our sponsor, Gate 15 , FB-ISAO members, our partners across industry and government who contributed to the development of the Pandemic Reopening & Reentry checklist for Faith-Based Organizations.…

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Response to March 2020 Member Survey

Dear Members, thank you for responding to our information sharing survey in March 2020. Your feedback was valuable in helping us understand what your information sharing needs are as a community. Based on your responses, we were able to gather…

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