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Also, thanks to the whole FB-ISAO team for sharing these feeds. This is the best threat intel feed I have for what I do – all in one place, and relevant. Nice work!

As the Safety/Security Manager for both my synagogue and our religious school, I am extremely appreciative of the admin crew of the FB-ISAO and its many contributors. As the primary guardian against threats that may be approaching our “gate”, the FB-ISAO also keeps me apprised of what is happening in our “backyard” and, as is said, “fore-warned is fore-armed” so that my situational awareness is greatly enhanced. While my attention is mostly centered on the East/Northeast U.S., I have found since my return from service in the IDF that terrorist tactics perpetrated across the Atlantic are (all-too-soon) replicated here in the states. FB-ISAO helps to keep me from being taken by surprise. I truly consider you a blessing.

I work at a large house of worship in the Midwest. In the last year, I’ve been part of a multidisciplinary safety & security team created to assess all hazards. If you operate in this area, you know that’s a lot of information to manage. As my organization continues to mature, I am very thankful for our first responders and access to invaluable government and industry publications. However, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the volume of great resources and lose sight of how to efficiently move forward – especially if (and aren’t we all?) working with limited time and resources. Faith-Based ISAO has provided me with specific, actionable guidance. I’ve used data and learnings to support grant applications and benefited from dedicated experts who break down emergency planning to the nuts and bolts. I highly recommend getting involved with FB-ISAO if you want to connect with volunteers and professionals who are focused on strengthening the faith-based community.

FB-ISAO is a community that provides me access to government and industry specialists, local, state and federal government alerts; latest data on breaking events and developing trends; information on available programs, initiatives, training opportunities; a library of reports; and a trusted network of fellow security practitioners with insight on how other faith organizations across denominations, large and small, nearby and throughout the country deal with the challenges of keeping their members and facilities safe.

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