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FB-ISAO’s Scholarship Program

The Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization is made up of people who all contribute to the mission by collaborating on threat intelligence, reporting, programs, and products. Our members, partners, and the FB-ISAO team all play a pivotal role in…

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FB-ISAO Newsletter, v4, Issue 4

TLP:WHITE | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The April 2022 newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-April-2022Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…

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Priority Intelligence Requirements: An Explainer

Starting in March 2022, our reporting has started to reference the PIR to help members understand why we’re choosing to include the information being shared and also to allow our team to review the content, and to adjust our collection and reporting processes if we’re including information outside the scope of our mission. To that end, member feedback is always welcome.
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FB-ISAO Newsletter, v4, Issue 1

TLP:WHITE | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The January 2022 newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-January-2022Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…

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Ransomware ‘Name and Shame’ Explainer for FB-ISAO

FB-ISAO exists to share information and provide a platform for collaboration to enhance the security, preparedness, and resilience of the community of faith from threats across all-hazards, including cyber threats. Recognizing that physical threats are understandably the utmost concern to…

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