Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 20 June 2023
Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 16 June 2023
Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 15 June 2023
Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 13 June 2023
FB-ISAO Threat Level Update, June 2023
The FB-ISAO Cyber Threat Intelligence, Operational Resilience (together, the Threat and Incident Response) working groups have been actively monitoring and sharing information, reports, and perspective regarding our threat environment. We have reviewed the most recent National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 5
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The May 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-May-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 3
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The March 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-March-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
Guidance on Cyber Threats Facing the Charity Sector
The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently published guidance on threats facing the charity sector. Below is a breakdown of the NCSC’s guidance, common threats, and resources for improving cyber security for non-profits. Threat actors target charities for a…
FB-ISAO Hosts the HAte Crimes Community ENgagement Working Group
By their very nature, Faith-Based Organizations believe in something and that can make them targets for hostile events which could include hate incidents. In August of 2020, the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) partnered with the DC Chapter…