FB-ISAO Newsletter, v3, Issue 7
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 07 July, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-July-2021Download
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 07 July, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-July-2021Download
The community of faith deserves some love! The U.S. Government has strongly encouraged active partnership and information sharing with the private sector for nearly twenty-five years, and the recently proposed Pray Safe Act looks to build on that partnership. Information…
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 09 June, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-June-2021Download
By Eli Russ, Professional Member, FB-ISAO The Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) is pleased to announce a new channel on FB-ISAO Slack dedicated to safety and security information for Pre-K-12 schools, institutes of higher education, and other educational…
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 11 May, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-May-2021Download
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 14 April, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-April-2021Download
When the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations was stood up in June of 2018, we had many plans for how we can meet the mission of providing members with information, analysis, and capabilities to help reduce risk while enhancing preparedness, security, and resilience. Hostile Event Preparedness…
Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) serve their communities in so many different. People gather there to do all sorts of things, to include worship, but also to socialize, attend classes, teach their children, provide community-based services like job search support, receive mental…
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 10 March, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-March-2021Download
TLP:WHITE| FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 10 February, and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-February-2021Download