FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 6
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The June 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-June-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
Active Versus Passive Participation
By Mayya Saab, Executive Director The CDC declared the end of the COVID-19 public emergency on 11 May 2023. With the COVID-19 Pandemic in the rear-view mirror, people across the world heaved a sigh of cautious relief as they resumed…
FB-ISAO Threat Level Update, June 2023
The FB-ISAO Cyber Threat Intelligence, Operational Resilience (together, the Threat and Incident Response) working groups have been actively monitoring and sharing information, reports, and perspective regarding our threat environment. We have reviewed the most recent National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 5
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The May 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-May-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
FB-ISAO Partners with Patrick Henry College’s Strategic Intelligence Program
The Alliance Focuses on Analytical Reporting on Hostile Events, Related to the Dobbs Ruling, that Targeted Faith-Based Organizations The Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) has been tracking hostile events since the early release of the Dobbs Ruling on…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 4
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The April 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-April-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
Faith-Based Organizations Continue to Be Targets of Hostile Events
Mass Shooting at the Covenant School By Sadie-Anne Jones, Gate 15 Analyst Faith-Based Organizations continue to be targets for violence and hostile events. By far, the most prevalent of these hostile events have been in the form of violence and…
FB-ISAO Announces Partnership with ZeroNow
On 23 March 2022, the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) joined the ZeroNow Community as a partner organization. ZeroNow is the movement by the safety community to end harmful events in schools. “We are looking forward to being…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v5, Issue 3
TLP:CLEAR | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The March 2023 Newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-ISAO-Newsletter-March-2023Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…