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Webinar Recording: Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist

On 4 June FB-ISAO was honored to partner with InfraGardNCR to deliver a webinar on the topic of “Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist”. Members of FB-ISAO’s pandemic recovery working group talked about: How information sharing contributed to the development of the…

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Security Panel Discussion

On 14 May, Gate 15 presented a webinar on Hostile Event Preparedness for the community of faith. In light of reopening, the Gate 15 analysts took the first 15 minutes of the webinar to discuss special security considerations for re-opening…

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Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist

Thank you to the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) team, our sponsor, Gate 15 , FB-ISAO members, our partners across industry and government who contributed to the development of the Pandemic Reopening & Reentry checklist for Faith-Based Organizations.…

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Response to March 2020 Member Survey

Dear Members, thank you for responding to our information sharing survey in March 2020. Your feedback was valuable in helping us understand what your information sharing needs are as a community. Based on your responses, we were able to gather…

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FB-ISAO’s Local Information Sharing Communities

Information Sharing Organizations are driven by the members – the organization itself simply provides the venue for members to collaborate in a way that works best for their respective communities. Since its inception, the Faith-Based Information Sharing & Analysis Organization…

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