Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 14 June 2023
FB-ISAO Threat Level Update, June 2023
The FB-ISAO Cyber Threat Intelligence, Operational Resilience (together, the Threat and Incident Response) working groups have been actively monitoring and sharing information, reports, and perspective regarding our threat environment. We have reviewed the most recent National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)…
FB-ISAO Threat Level, December 2022 Update
This message is TLP:WHITE. Subject to standard copyright rules, TLP:WHITE information may be distributed without restriction. The FB-ISAO Cyber Threat Intelligence, Operational Resilience (together, the Threat and Incident Response) working groups have been actively monitoring and sharing information, reports, and perspective regarding our threat environment. We have…
The Need for Community Partnerships and Connections
The Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (FB-ISAO) continually stresses the need for members and members organizations to be active and to engage their respective communities in order to help reduce risk while enhancing preparedness, security, and resilience. It takes a village! The…
Ten Years Ago: Mass Shooting at Sikh Temple
On 05 August 2012, a threat actor entered the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin outside of Milwaukee and started to open fire on congregants who were gathering for services. Those inside ran for cover or hid while trying to…
FB-ISAO Newsletter, v4, Issue 7
TLP:WHITE | FB-ISAO Newsletter. The July 2022 newsletter has been directly distributed to members and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-July-2022Download Join FB-ISAO! Want this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox each month? Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based…
Vehicle Ramming – a Threat to Faith-Based Organizations
By Sadie-Anne Jones On 08 June 2022, a man drove his vehicle into a group of students in Berlin, Germany. The attack resulted in the death of a teacher and the injury of 14 students. The incident happened close to…
FB-ISAO Threat Level, June 2022 Update
This message is TLP:WHITE. Subject to standard copyright rules, TLP:WHITE information may be distributed without restriction. The FB-ISAO Cyber Threat Intelligence, Operational Resilience (together, the Threat and Incident Response) working groups, have been actively monitoring and sharing information, reports, and perspective regarding our threat environment, to include…
FB-ISAO’s Scholarship Program
The Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization is made up of people who all contribute to the mission by collaborating on threat intelligence, reporting, programs, and products. Our members, partners, and the FB-ISAO team all play a pivotal role in…