This DAP highlights – CISA’s Awareness and Prevention of Edged Weapon Attacks Fact Sheet / Embezzlement Threat Continues / Gate 15’s Weekly Security Sprint EP 95 - Review of the headlines: EOs, Scams, cyber device warnings, ransomware and more! / Gate 15’s Nerd Out EP 55 - Terrorism, Propaganda, All-hazards and a Skeleton Crew update. DAP also has More Faith-Based Stories and Select All-Hazard Stories. These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters..
CISA Releases a Website and Tools Dedicated to Faith-Based Organizations
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, Infrastructure Security Division has published a new website dedicated to the security of Faith-Based Organizations. The website hosts tools and resources of great value for FBOs and the broader community of faith.
CISA has aptly named the website “Faith Based Organization-Houses of Worship (FBO-HOW)” – the website can be accessed at The self-assessment tool that CISA is making available on the site can be accessed here: The tables in the document are designed to show a range of security and protection, from the lowest level of security that offers minimal protection (red) to a very high level of security that provides a greatly enhanced level of protection (green).
The threat of hostile events has been and will remain an enduring threat for FBOs. As we continue through the COVID-19 pandemic and reopening, hostile events have re-emerged, to include attacks of arson, vehicle ramming, shootings and more at and around FBOs. Adding to the hostile physical security environment and health challenges, the complexities of cybersecurity and seasonal natural hazards make this an even more challenging time for FBOs as our community strives to provide a safe and secure environment for people to come to and practice their faith and as they seek engage with the community. The release of these resources is timely and welcome.
Assistant Director Harrell has been a great partner to FB-ISAO and the community that we serve by way of our mission, which is to provide members with information, analysis, and capabilities to help reduce risk while enhancing preparedness, security, and resilience.
Thank you again for your continued partnership and dedication to maintaining your houses of worship safe and secure. Please always remember that you have a committed partner in CISA; together, we can enhance our collective capabilities and develop innovative solutions to mitigate the dynamic threat environment.
Assistant Director Harrell
Please see the letter below where Assistant Director Harrell re-iterates his commitment from April 2020 to the community of faith by writing “The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is committed to supporting efforts to maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities while sustaining an open and welcoming environment”. He also writes “Thank you again for your continued partnership and dedication to maintaining your houses of worship safe and secure. Please always remember that you have a committed partner in CISA; together, we can enhance our collective capabilities and develop innovative solutions to mitigate the dynamic threat environment.”