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FB-ISAO Newsletter, v1, issue 5

TLP White | FB-ISAO Newsletter was distributed on 11 October, 2019 and may be accessed below. FB-newsletter-October-2019Download FB-ISAO October 2019 Newsletter

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Associated Risks: A Perhaps Not-So-Obvious Threat

Associated risks are potential unwanted outcomes resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence in nearby proximity, that may not be connected to the specific organization or location. In many instances, the associated risk stems from the impact of threats against people, places or event that are actually the intended target
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Hostile Events Attack Cycle – Intense Surveillance

Once a target is selected, the attacker will resolve outstanding questions about the target environment, expand collection efforts through surveillance, and seek to adequately address remaining unknowns in order to ensure their attack is as successful as possible.
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Hostile Events Attack Cycle – Target Selection

In this and future posts, we will explore the HEAC in greater detail, focusing on steps in the cycle, how the attacker conducts each step, and how organizations can prepare to defend against potential attacks. In this post we cover how attackers use initial planning to select targets.
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