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Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post

Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 03 January 2024

Faith-Based Security Headlines

These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters.

Preparing for Civil Unrest and War in Cultural Properties

ASIS International’s Security Management publication reports on protecting cultural properties and national heritage sites during civil unrest and war.

The article states:

“Houses of worship should have plans to protect any people who may reside on the property and secure any items of value using vaults or the safest area within the facility. These designations and instructions should be included as part of a security plan.

Clearly, there are many aspects of civil unrest and war for security professionals to prepare for, including actions to prepare and prevent victimization, ways to respond during victimization, and plans for stabilization afterward. However, it is important to share this information with all staff, because security managers may not be able to make it to the location and must then rely on others to take immediate action.

Additionally, every facility should have the materials on hand to repair and mitigate damage in the event of an emergency. Store plywood to cover windows and doors, plus the nails, hammers, and ladders needed to install it. Batteries and generators are essential for lighting. Stock garbage bags and brooms for cleanup. A supply of food, water, masks, weapons, and emergency kits may be needed for the staff or the community. Lastly, staff will need to know how to disable an alarm if it is compromised.

Remember that in almost every situation, law enforcement and the military may not be able to respond to a cultural property’s request for assistance during a time of unrest, an attack, or war. Although peacekeeping efforts may shift priorities, ultimately, security professionals for cultural properties are responsible for all protective measures. Even if security leaders are unable to make it to the scene, prior planning and communication with team members will help ensure that security measures are implemented.”

Related item:

Analyst Comments:

Faith-Based Organizations should consider preparing for civil unrest and violent protests. Many FBOs also have houses of worship and facilities in other countries and should consider preparing for the threat of war.

The article is relevant to conditions that occurred during the 2001 September 11th terrorist attack and 2020 civil unrest and violent protests. During a major incident, law enforcement and emergency services may not be available to assist individual FBOs.

More Security-focused Content

Read a report detailing attacks on Faith-Based organizations following the Dobbs ruling.
Read the October 2023 Threat Level Statement Update
Access all-hazards resources from public and private sector partners, curated by the FB-ISAO team.

The FB-ISAO’s sponsor Gate 15 publishes a free daily newsletter called the SUN. Curated from their open source intelligence collection process, the SUN informs leaders and analysts with the critical news of the day and provides a holistic look at the current global, all-hazards threat environment. Ahead of the daily news cycle, the SUN allows current situational awareness into the topics that will impact your organization. To sign-up for The SUN, please sign up below.

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