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Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post

Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 1 August 2024

Faith-Based Security Headlines

These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters.

MCB Mosque Safety and Security Guidance | Muslim Council of Britain

From the Muslim Council of Britain’s website:

MCB Mosque Safety and Security Guidance

July 31, 2024

Following the recent attacks on the Mosque in Southport, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has reiterated its commitment to safeguarding places of worship. Over the years, the MCB has developed comprehensive guidance to help mosques address and mitigate various security risks, including practical advice on enhancing physical security measures and fostering community vigilance. By providing these tools and resources, we aim to ensure that mosques remain safe and welcoming spaces for all worshippers.

Find our guides below:

Analyst Comments:

While the Muslim Council of Britain’s resources were developed for mosques in the United Kingdom, their resources can be used by houses of worship in the United States.

Yesterday’s Daily Awareness Post highlighted the Southport mosque attack and provided resources.

Southport protests: More than 100 arrests as disorder spreads

The BBC reports:

Dozens of arrests have been made as disorder following the Southport knife attack spread to different parts of the country.

More than 100 people were arrested in central London on Wednesday evening as officers clashed with protesters on Whitehall during a demonstration.

Unrest also broke out in Hartlepool where eight people were arrested, several officers were injured and a police car was set on fire.

Dal Babu, former Chief Superintendent and firearms commander in the Met, has blamed the disorder on the “reckless” spread of misinformation about the identity of the suspect charged in the stabbing.

Speaking on BBC R4’s Today Programme, Mr Babu said the police have taken the “unprecedented” decision to confirm the suspect “was born in this country”.

In London, demonstrators were seen launching flares towards the gates of Downing Street and at a statue of Winston Churchill.

People could be heard chanting phrases such as “stop the boats” and “save our kids” as they threw bottles and cans at officers.

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