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Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post

Faith-Based Daily Awareness Post 8 August 2024

Faith-Based Security Headlines

These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters.

Generative AI Risks: What Your People Should Know 

The following is from the proofpoint blog post:

“By now, you probably know that generative AI (GenAI) is a double-edged sword—it introduces both opportunities and risks. On the one hand, GenAI improves productivity, especially when it comes to content creation, troubleshooting, research and analysis. On the other hand, it creates various security risks that people have yet to wrap their heads around. 

In this blog post, we’re going to explore the most common risks associated with generative AI so you can educate your users accordingly.”

The blog details the following issues and provides “What your people should know” for each issue.

  • GenAI is used to create convincing lures
  • GenAI can be a source of data leaks
  • GenAI hallucinations mean outputs are not always trustworthy
  • GenAI makes it easy to create deepfakes

A cybersecurity  webinar series is also offered by proofpoint.

Analyst Comments:

AI has made it easier for bad actors to threaten Faith-Based Organizations (FBO). The blog post by proofpoint provides easy to understand information that can be used by FBOs and their members. The information can be useful professionally and personally.

Join Our Webinar on Congregational Safety: Addressing Concerns Amid Political Tensions

From the Grand Canyon Synod website:

As we approach the upcoming election season, ensuring the safety and well-being of our congregations is paramount. To address concerns related to political violence and community safety, the Grand Canyon Synod is sponsoring a critical webinar titled “Conversation about Congregational Safety.” This important event will take place on September 5, 2024, at 10:15 am. Register here.

Analyst Comments:

FBOs and their members that are interested “Congregational Safety: Addressing Concerns Amid Political Tensions” should consider attending the Grand Canyon Synod’s webinar.

Follow Up UK Riots and Disorder

More Security-focused Content

Attacks on Houses of Worship in 2023
Read the March 2024 Threat Level Statement Update
Access all-hazards resources from public and private sector partners, curated by the FB-ISAO team.

The FB-ISAO’s sponsor Gate 15 publishes a free daily newsletter called the SUN. Curated from their open source intelligence collection process, the SUN informs leaders and analysts with the critical news of the day and provides a holistic look at the current global, all-hazards threat environment. Ahead of the daily news cycle, the SUN allows current situational awareness into the topics that will impact your organization. To sign-up for the SUN, send an email to [email protected]

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