This DAP highlights – CISA’s Awareness and Prevention of Edged Weapon Attacks Fact Sheet / Embezzlement Threat Continues / Gate 15’s Weekly Security Sprint EP 95 - Review of the headlines: EOs, Scams, cyber device warnings, ransomware and more! / Gate 15’s Nerd Out EP 55 - Terrorism, Propaganda, All-hazards and a Skeleton Crew update. DAP also has More Faith-Based Stories and Select All-Hazard Stories. These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters..
Launch of Enhanced Reporting
The COVID-19 pandemic has redefined so many aspects of our lives and it continues to do so. As an organization, we felt it was incumbent upon us to check-in with our members about our reporting during the month of July 2020. FB-ISAO is a member driven organization, and feedback helps us tailor our reporting and products to the needs of the community.
FB-ISAO has become a more mature organization partly due to its response to pandemic. Together, we accomplished a lot in a few short months. Here are some highlights:
- Working across industries and with our government partners, we produced the Pandemic Reopening / Reentry Checklist
- During the height of the pandemic response, we issued daily COVID-19 reports
- We engaged our Information Sharing Communities with resources pertinent to them
- We hosted webinars on topics such as After-Action Reports / Reviews and Business Continuity Planning
- We asked the Administration to establish a Faith-Based sector of Critical Infrastructure
When the ISAO got its start, we focused on engaging the community with one-way communication, from our team to the community. As we continue to mature, we want to further develop effective member engagement – from the staff to members, from members back to our staff, and among members. Looking ahead, and with the increased engagement from FB-ISAO members, we are launching some new reports and products that meet our evolution.
- The TLP:WHITE Faith-Based Daily Journal has been improved. This daily publication, based on open-source information, provides a quick overview of items that are clickable to take the reader to sites with more detailed information on the topic. An FBJ Highlights section was added which provides commentary on items of particular interest to the community.
- The weekly TLP:AMBER reports that provide in-depth analysis on particular topics will continue, and will be delivered once weekly. The topics will be focused on all-hazards threats, incidents and updates based on need and current events.
- The monthly TLP:GREEN threat brief will no longer be produced in favor of the planned weekly advisories and the monthly in-person threat brief.
- The monthly TLP:WHITE FB-ISAO Newsletter will continue to be produced and disseminated.
- The TLP:WHITE Month-At-A-Glance will continue to be produced and disseminated.
- The TLP:WHITE Weekly Digest will continue to be produced and disseminated weekly.
- We are introducing a new TLP:GREEN product called the FB-ISAO Advisory. This is an advisory on very specific topics that members should be aware of. Examples of such topics would be hostile events related to mask wearing or a spree of arson at various houses of worship or cyber threats targeting faith-based organizations.
- The Business Resilience Group will host a Monthly Threat Brief on topics informed by members. This meeting is an opportunity for members to hear and learn about specific security related topics, their mitigation and supporting resources in an interactive discussion with the Chairs of the Business Resilience Group. The Monthly Threat Brief lends itself to two-way information sharing since members will have a chance to share best practices with each other as well.
These enhanced reporting described in this post will be rolled-out during the month of August 2020.