This DAP highlights – Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action To Combat Emerging Firearm Threats And Improve School-Based Active Shooter Drills / Gate 15’s Weekly Security Sprint EP 94 - LA fires, LV and NO updates, ransomware and more. DAP also has More Faith-Based Stories and Select All-Hazard Stories. These updates are shared to help raise the situational awareness of Faith-Based organizations to best defend against and mitigate the impacts from all-hazards threats including physical security, cybersecurity, and natural disasters.
Webinar Recording: Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist
On 4 June FB-ISAO was honored to partner with InfraGardNCR to deliver a webinar on the topic of “Pandemic Reopening Reentry Checklist”. Members of FB-ISAO’s pandemic recovery working group talked about:
- How information sharing contributed to the development of the checklist
- How the working group was formed and how the group went about developing the checklist
- The guidance and resources that went into developing the checklist and how the checklist should be used at the local level
- Security concerns that may play a factor in reopening facilities
The recording of the webinar is available for viewing below:
The checklist was developed by FB-ISAO members, our partners across industry and government. Please refer to this post for more information on the development of the checklist. The checklist will be revised, as needed, based on new guidance.
The checklist is a compilation of government guidelines, best practices and special consideration for Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) to help pilot their efforts on reopening. Each individual FBO will need to marry the checklist to their state and local regulations as well as take into account their size and their traditions. FB-ISAO’s Information Sharing Communities are a channel for that work.
FB-ISAO’s mission is to provide members with information, analysis, and capabilities to help reduce risk while enhancing preparedness, security, and resilience. The InfraGard program is a public/private cooperative effort dedicated to improving national security. By partnering, FB-ISAO and the National Capital Region InfraGard chapter, we delivered the webinar, and made the checklist available to over 350 individuals committed to the security and resiliency of their Faith-Based Organization.
The TLP:GREEN checklist is now available through the member portal of InfraGardNCR, however, non-members can obtain the checklist directly from FB-ISAO. Members of FB-ISAO will also receive updates to the checklist, as they are distributed. Membership in FB-ISAO is open to all Faith-Based Organizations including Houses of Worship, Charities, Faith-Based Schools and their affiliated organizations. Membership information is available on our membership page.
Membership information for the National Capital Region of InfraGard is available here.